504 Student Activities

504.1 Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

Participation in school activities is a privilege. School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in students during their school years and for their lifetimes.

Students may participate in interscholastic athletics, music, speech, and other contests or events approved by the administration subject to the rules and regulations which govern participation in general for each event or contest. Any such events must be supervised by licensed school personnel.

The District may be affiliated with and pays dues as a member of the following entities: Iowa FFA Association, United States Academic Decathlon, National Forensic League, National Honor Society, Kiwanis Club (Builder’s Club and Key Club), Iowa State Music Association, Iowa State Speech Association, Iowa High School Athletic Association, the Iowa High School Girls' Athletic Union, and the Iowa Association of Student Councils. Therefore, the school is subject to all the rules and regulations of these associations and the Department of Education.

Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school District throughout the calendar year, whether away from school or at school. Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with Board policy and must refrain from activities which are illegal, immoral or unhealthy.

Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures. The principal will keep records of violations of this policy.

Furthermore, a student may not violate the rules and regulations of the state associations and/or the discipline policy of the District or any rules and regulations pertaining to eligibility for extra- curricular activity, without jeopardizing the student's continued participation as it may apply.

Students wanting to participate in school activities must meet the requirements set out by the District for participation in the activity.


Approved: 11/14/67                                   Reviewed: 11/9/09; 6/10/19                                Revised: 1/8/07; 5/13/13

504.10 Student Performances

Students, as part of the education program, may participate in contests or other public and private events approved by the Superintendent that will be of benefit to the student and the education program. Performance at such events is a privilege.

Students, who perform at such events, serve as ambassadors of the District and must conduct themselves in the same manner as required in the regular school day. Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures.

Students will be allowed to perform in these events only with proper permission and supervision and when the events do not disrupt the education program or other school district operations. The events must be approved by the Superintendent, unless it involves unusual travel and expense, in which case the board must approve of the performance.

In determining whether to approve a student performance, the Superintendent shall consider the following guidelines:

• Performances by student groups below the high school level should be allowed on a very limited basis;

• All groups of students should have an opportunity to participate; and,

• Extensive travel by one group of students should be discouraged.

It is within the discretion of the Superintendent to determine whether the event will benefit the education program and the participating students. Contests or other performances by students unapproved by the Superintendent are the responsibility of the parent and the student.


Approved: 5/13/13                               Reviewed:   6/10/19                                          Revised:

504.11 Open Night

In keeping with good community relations, student school activities will not be scheduled on Wednesday night during family time whenever possible. For purposes of this policy, “family time” is defined as 3:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. for Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade and 5:45 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. for 9th through 12th Grade. On the rare occasion a State sponsored event is scheduled at our facility we will plan to host the event. It is the responsibility of the principal and activities director to oversee the scheduling of school activities for compliance with this policy.


Approved: 5/13/13                              Reviewed:   6/10/19                                          Revised:

504.12 Student Fines, Fees and Charges

The Board believes students should respect District property and assist in its preservation for future use by others. Students may be assessed fines, charges, or fees for the materials needed in a course, for overdue school materials, for participating in activities, or for misuse of school property.

The Superintendent will inform the Board of the dollar amount to be charged to students or others for fines, charges, or fees annually. Parents of students meeting specific financial eligibility standards will be eligible for a waiver of student fees or a reduction of student fees based upon the request of the parent. Fines or charges assessed for damage or loss to school property are not fees and will not be waived.


Approved: 8/12/96                             Reviewed:  6/10/19                                       Revised: 11/9/09; 5/13/13

504.12R1 Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures

The Board recognizes that while certain fees charged students are appropriate and authorized, certain students and their families are not financially able to pay the fees. The District will grant either full waivers, partial waivers, or temporary waivers depending upon the circumstances and the student or student's parents' ability to meet the financial criteria.

A. Waivers --

1. Full Waivers - a student will be granted a full waiver of fees charged by the school district if the student or student's parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for free meals under the Child Nutrition program, Family Investment Program, or transportation assistance under open enrollment. Students in foster care are also eligible for full waivers.

2. Partial Waivers - a student will be granted a partial waiver of fees charged by the school district if the student or the student's parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for reduced price meals offered under the Child Nutrition program. (A partial waiver shall be based on the same percentage as the reduced price meals.)

3. Temporary Waivers - a student may be eligible for a temporary waiver of fees charged by the district in the event the student's parents are facing financial difficulty. Temporary waivers may be applied for at any time throughout the school year and shall not extend beyond the end of the school year.

B. Application - Parents or students eligible for a fee waiver shall make an application on the form provided by the District. Applications may be made at any time but must be renewed annually.

C. Confidentiality -The District will treat the application and application process as any other student record and student confidentiality and access provisions will be followed.

D. Appeals - Denials of a waiver may be appealed to the Superintendent. .

E. Fines or charges assessed for damage or loss to school property are not fees and will not be waived.

F. Notice - the District will annually notify parents and students of the waiver. The following information will be included in registration materials and printed in student handbooks:

Students whose families meet the income guidelines for free and reduced price lunch, the Family Investment Program (FIP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), transportation assistance under open enrollment, or who are in foster care are eligible to have their student fees waived or partially waived. Students whose families are experiencing a temporary financial difficulty may be eligible for a temporary waiver of student fees. Parents or students who believe they may qualify for temporary financial hardship should contact the building principal by the first day of classes for a waiver form. This waiver does not carry over from year to year and must be completed annually.


Approved:       8/12/96                                        Reviewed:   6/10/19                                                         Revised: 5/13/13

504.12E1 Student Fee Waiver Application

All information provided in connection with this application will be kept confidential.

Name of parent/guardian:_________________________________________________

Date______________________ School year______________

Name of student:______________________________ Grade in school:____________

Name of student:______________________________ Grade in school:____________

Name of student:______________________________ Grade in school:____________

Name of student:______________________________ Grade in school:____________

Please check the type of waiver desired:

Full waiver_____ Partial waiver_____ Temporary waiver_____

Please check if the student or the student's family meet the financial eligibility criteria or is involved in one of the following programs:

Full Waiver:

_____ Free meals offered under the Children Nutrition Program

 _____ The Family Investment Program (FIP)

 _____ Transportation assistance under open enrollment

 _____ Foster care

 Partial waiver:

_____ Reduced priced meals offered under the Children Nutrition Program Temporary waiver

_____ If none of the above apply, but you wish to apply for a temporary waiver of school fees because of serious financial problems, please state the reason for the request:



Signature of parent, guardian or legal or actual custodian

(Your signature is required for the release of information regarding the student or the student's family financial eligibility for the program checked above.)

Please return this completed form to the principal's office.


Approved:  8/12/96

Reviewed: 6/10/19

Revised: 5/13/13

504.13 Concurrent Enrollment Textbook

The Spirit Lake Community School District is committed to providing each student with an equitable education. This textbook policy is designed to ensure that all students will have access to the appropriate textbooks associated with concurrent enrollment courses that will support and enrich their learning experience.

The concurrent enrollment program, also known as district-to-community college sharing, promotes rigorous academic or career and technical pursuits by providing opportunities for high school students to enroll part-time in eligible nonsectarian courses at or through community colleges. Per Senior Year Plus (SYP), concurrent enrollment courses are offered through contractual agreements between community colleges and school districts within their service area. Spirit Lake CSD is in partnership with Iowa Lakes Community College.

According to Senior Year Plus Programming (SYP), the Spirit Lake Community School District is responsible for the costs of tuition for eligible students to register for concurrent enrollment courses. A student registered for a concurrent enrollment course is responsible for the act of purchasing, renting, or borrowing the appropriate college textbook(s) and for the costs associated with that, unless students qualify for a textbook waiver and that student submits the appropriate textbook waiver form to the high school counselor by the concurrent enrollment registration deadline date communicated to stakeholders each academic term.

Textbook Waiver Options

● Full Waiver - A student shall be granted a full waiver of all textbooks fees if:

○ The student or the student’s family meets the financial eligibility criteria for free meals offered under the Child Nutrition Program

○ The student or the student’s family meets financial eligibility criteria for participation in the Family Investment Program (FIP)

○ The student or the student’s family is eligible for transportation assistance under open enrollment provided under 28I-IAC 17.9(3)

○ The student is in foster care. Note: Supplemental Security Income eligibility is not a qualifier because a student may qualify for SSI without regard to financial circumstances

● Partial Waiver - A student shall be granted a partial waiver of all textbooks fees if:

○ The student or the student’s family meets the financial eligibility criteria for reduced price meals under the Child Nutrition Program. A partial waiver shall be based on a sliding scale related to an ability to pay.

● Temporary Waiver - A student shall be granted a temporary waiver of all textbooks fees if:

○ At the discretion of the school board, a student may appeal for or be granted a temporary waiver of a fee or fees (note: it does not have to be all fees) in a hardship case. A temporary waiver shall be determined on a case-by-case basis, and may be granted at any time during a school year. The maximum length of a temporary waiver shall be one year.


Approved: 6/12/17                                  Reviewed:   6/10/19                                               Revised:

504.13E1 Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee Waiver

I, __________________________, hereby request ⬜Full, ⬜Partial, ⬜Temporary) Textbook Fee Waiver for the following student(s):

Child’s Name Registered Concurrent Enrollment Courses

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Please list names and ages of all household members:

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Food Stamp Case Number:______________________________________________________

Total Household Monthly Income:_________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________City:_____________________________ 

Telephone Number:___________________________ Date: ____________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian:_________________________ Date:_______________________


For Office Use Only Date submitted: ⬜ Approved, ⬜Denied:                               

Reason: _______________________________________________________________________________



Approved: 6/12/17                                           Reviewed:  6/10/19                                               Revised:

504.1R1 Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Regulations

The rules and regulations of the District and state associations shall be in effect for all events in which students participate, representing the District, during or after school hours, either on school premises or off school premises for events considered school sponsored or school approved activities. This policy includes athletics, speech, drama, music, academic competitions, FFA competitions, FCCLA activities, cheerleading, dance, homecoming royalty speaker at graduation and other school related events, competitive conference activities or performing or participating in any activity as a representative of the District.

Penalties for violations after school hours or at designated places for events will be the same as during regularly scheduled school hours or on school premises except where a special discipline policy has been specified. This includes particular rules and regulations established by the Department of Education, director of the activity, special temporary restrictions imposed on the students prior to this scheduled event, and any other mandates determined by the administration.

Additionally, the executive Boards of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union (IGHSAU) may sanction member and associate member schools that permit or allow participation in any event by a person in violation of the eligibility rules or by a student who has been suspended from school and/or school activities in accordance with local rules.

General Extra-curricular and Co-curricular Activities Policies

  1. Students who participate in the above extra-curricular and co-curricular activity programs are subject to the rules and policies governing activity eligibility participation and the training and conduct rules set down by the coach or sponsor, twenty-four hours per day, year round. Students may be declared ineligible from activity participation by the athletic director, principal or the Superintendent/designee for violation of any of these rules and policies.
  2. The principal/designee shall be responsible for informing coaches/sponsors of activities which students are not eligible for participation.
  3. A student with an unexcused absence during any part of the school day or who was not present the last half of the school day will not be eligible for activity participation on the day of the absence, unless approved by the principal/designee.
  4. Freshmen (ninth grade students) may not participate in junior varsity football and basketball or varsity interscholastic athletic competition in any sport or cheerleading except with the recommendation of the coach/sponsor, and, approval of the athletic director/principal, in consultation with the parents or guardians.
  5. Beyond the freshman year, a coach may cut a student from an athletic activity before the first contest by notifying the athletic director/principal and the parents/guardians of the reason why the participant is being cut.
  6. A student will not be penalized for non-participation (practice or contests) during regularly scheduled vacation periods, if that student is excused from these by his/her parent or guardian. Communication between the parent/guardian, athletic director, and coach is required prior to a participant’s absence that will occur during a scheduled vacation period.
  7. A student may not be dropped from practice or competition during the season or during tournament play unless he/she has violated the Districts or coach’s good conduct rules or the Department of Education eligibility rules. In the event that a student is to be removed for this cause, the athletic director/principal will be notified and will be a part of the decision and the appropriate action. The parent/guardian shall be notified of the action taken.
  8. If a student drops one activity for good cause during the season, he/she will not be penalized for participation in any succeeding activity for which he/she is eligible for the same good cause offense.
  9. Athletic directors, coaches, and sponsors have the prerogative to establish reasonable training and conduct rules, when not in conflict with District policy and regulations, for a particular co-curricular activity or competition, all of which must be followed by the participants, including but not limited to, the special rules below. Those rules shall be sent to the students' parents/guardians before the activity commences.

Extra-curricular and Co-curricular Activities Eligibility Rules

  1. Eligibility may be compromised if any of the following are true:
    1. You do not have a physician's certificate of fitness issued this school year.
    2. You have attended high school for more than eight (8) semesters (twenty days of attendance or playing in one contest constitutes a semester). Middle school students who have completed more than four (4) semesters in 7th or 8th grade may not be eligible to participate in middle school activities.
    3. You were not enrolled in high school last semester or if you entered school this semester later than the second week of school and were not enrolled in school immediately prior to enrolling at the high school. (Not applicable to the middle school.)
    4. You have changed schools this semester, except upon like change of residence of your parents/guardians. (Not applicable to the middle school.)
    5. You have been declared ineligible under a prior school district’s Good Conduct Rule, and then, without having completed the full period of ineligibility at that school, transfer to the high school. You may not be eligible for interscholastic competition at the high school until the full period of ineligibility has been completed. Once that time period of ineligibility has been completed, you are then immediately eligible for interscholastic competition at the high school as far as any Good Conduct Rule is concerned.
    6. You have competed on an outside school team as a team member or as an individual while out for a sport during that particular sport season without the previous written consent of your current coach, athletic director, and parent/guardian with the exception of dance.
    7. You have ever trained with a college squad or have participated in a college event.
    8. Your habits and conduct both in and out of school are such as to make you unworthy to represent the ideals, principles, and standards of your school.

2.         Scholarship Rules for Athletics

a.   Application of Scholarship Rules

  1. Scholarship Rules apply to all member and associate member schools that belong to the IHSAA and the IGHSAU. Schools may not allow ineligible or suspended students to participate. The IHSAA and the IGHSAU have the power to impose sanctions upon schools that do not enforce Scholarship rules.
  2. In addition, Scholarship Rules apply to all students who are members of any recognized District Activity.

b.   The requirements of scholarship rules for Athletics are found in the Good Conduct Policy section of this policy Series.

Scheduling of Events

  1. The Board and administration realizes that the amount of participation in co-curricular activities does limit the amount of time a student may spend on academic preparation and progress. Therefore, the following are considered as appropriate limitations: 
    • Scheduled contests will conform at all times to the state association rulings and adhere to recommendations made by these agencies.
    • The activities and/or athletic director will be responsible for the scheduling of all high school activities and the athletic director will be responsible for scheduling athletic events at the middle school. All schedules must be approved by the middle or high school principal. 
  2. The Superintendent shall consult with appropriate entities regarding protections for staff and students in activities, including appropriate social distancing measures during a pandemic or other health emergency, and whether the district's participation in the activity should be suspended for a period of time.


Approved: 5/13/13


Revised:  6/10/19; 8/10/20

504.1R2 Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Financial Regulations

Extra-curricular activities of students are recognized as essential and desirable for the school program and are deemed worthy of liberal financial support, but extravagant or wasteful expenditure of money is to be avoided.

All student activities of the District shall be under the control and supervision of the Superintendent, but the Superintendent may, at his discretion, delegate details of management to principals, faculty, committees, athletic director, sponsors, or to competent students. The principal or his/her designee will be on duty when a major activity is in progress. This includes activities when the public is invited.

All student organizations and classes will keep complete and accurate financial and business records. All classes and organizations will budget their spending within their financial receipts. Each organization and class must be self-supporting.

All student activity monies will be deposited with the building office manager or building principal. All monies w ill be deposited in the bank weekly.

No member of the student body or faculty shall be permitted to solicit funds or merchandise for any activity without the approval of the principal.

All school sponsored activities shall be completed by twelve o'clock midnight (with the exception of those receiving special permission from the Superintendent).


Approved: 5/13/13


Revised:  6/10/19

504.2 Secondary School Student Organizations (Limited Open Forum)

No student organization shall exist that is not approved by the Board. The Superintendent shall determine qualifications and regulations for student groups and make recommendations to the Board for groups seeking approval. Applications for organizing shall be relayed to the Superintendent through the building principal.

Secondary school student-initiated curriculum-related organizations and non-curriculum related organizations are encouraged. Upon receiving permission from the principal, such organizations may use school facilities for group meetings during non-instructional time.

Non-instructional time will mean any time before the first period of the day and after the last period of the day in which any student attends class. Meetings will not interfere with the orderly conduct of the education program or other District operations. It is within the discretion of the principal to determine whether the meetings will interfere with the orderly conduct of the education program or other District operations. Activities relating to and part of the education program will have priority over the activities of another organization.

Curriculum-Related Organizations

It will be the responsibility of the principal to determine whether a student group is curriculum- related. One or more of the following questions will be answered affirmatively if the group is curriculum-related:

  • Is the subject matter of the group actually taught in a regularly offered course?
  • Will the subject matter of the group soon be taught in a regularly offered course?
  • Does the subject matter of the group concern the body of courses as a whole?
  • Is participation in the group required for a particular course?
  • Does participation in the group result in academic credit?

Secondary school curriculum-related student organizations may use District facilities for meetings and other purposes during non-instructional time. Employees are assigned to monitor approved meetings and may interact with curriculum-related organizations.

Non-Curriculum-Related Organizations

Student-initiated, non-curriculum-related organizations are provided access to meeting space and District facilities.

Only students may attend and participate in meetings of non-curriculum-related groups. Such attendance is strictly voluntary and student-initiated. As a means of determining whether a student's attendance is voluntary, the principal may require parental consent for the student to attend the meetings.

Employees will be assigned to monitor approved meetings. Employees will not participate in the meeting or assist in planning, criticizing, or encouraging attendance.


Approved: 11/14/67

Reviewed:   6/10/19

Revised: 12/14/09; 5/13/13



504.3 Student Academic Eligibility and Good Conduct Policy

Spirit Lake High School offers a variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for high school students, designed to enhance their classroom education. Participation in school extra- curricular and co-curricular activities is a privilege. School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in the students during their school years and for a lifetime.

Students who participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school district throughout the calendar year, whether away from school or at school. Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with board policy and must refrain from activities which are illegal, immoral, or unhealthy.

Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures. The principal shall keep records of violations of the good conduct rule.


The following activities are covered by the board's policy and these rules:

Extra-curricular activities: school-related activities and events outside the school day in which the student represents the school; these activities (e.g., all types of competitive sports, speech contest) are optional to students and do not affect a student's grade in a course.

Co-curricular activities: course-related activities and events which may be outside or during the school day in which the student represents the school and participation is expected or recommended as part of a curricular class; being withheld from such activities (e.g., marching band performance, Pan Am Club activities) for a Good Conduct Rule violation will not affect the student's grade in the course, although alternative activities may be required to maintain the student's grade. Activities subject to this policy shall also include all activities of the district where there is a sponsor or coach who receives compensation from the district.

Eligibility Requirements

a. All contestants must be enrolled and in good standing in a school that is a member or associate member in good standing of the organization sponsoring      the event.

b. All contestants must be under 20 years of age.

c. All contestants shall be enrolled students of the school in good standing. They shall receive credit in at least four subjects, each of one period or “hour” or the equivalent thereof, at all times.

To qualify under this rule, a “subject” must meet the requirements of 281-Chapter 12. Coursework taken under the provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 261C, postsecondary enrollment options, for which a school district or accredited nonpublic school grants academic credit toward high school graduation shall be used in determining eligibility. No student shall be denied eligibility if the student’s school program deviates from the traditional two-semester school year.

(1) Each contestant shall be passing all coursework for which credit is given and shall be making adequate progress toward graduation requirements at the end of each grading period. Grading period, graduation requirements, and any interim periods of ineligibility are determined by local policy. For purposes of this subrule, “grading period” shall mean the period of time at the end of which a student in grades 9 through 12 receives a final grade and course credit is awarded for passing grades.

(2) Subject to the provision below regarding contestants in interscholastic baseball or softball, if at the end of any grading period a contestant is given a failing grade in any course for which credit is awarded, the contestant is ineligible to dress for and compete in the next occurring interscholastic athletic contests and competitions in which the contestant is a bona fide contestant for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, which begins at 3:40 p.m. the afternoon of the 3rd weekday following the end of the grading period. For purposes of this sub rule, a “bona fide contestant” means a student who presently is or previously has competed in the interscholastic athletic activity to which the student’s period of ineligibility herein applies.

(3) If at the time the student has a failing grade, and he/she is out for a sport and the season ends before the thirty (30) days are served, the days carryover to the next sport he/she participates in.

(4) At the end of a grading period that is the final grading period in a school year, a bona fide contestant in interscholastic baseball or softball who receives a failing grade in any course for which credit is awarded is ineligible to dress for and compete in interscholastic baseball or softball for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days following the end of the final grading period.

d. A student with a disability who has an individualized education program shall not be denied eligibility on the basis of scholarship if the student is making adequate progress, as determined by school officials, towards the goals and objectives on the student’s individualized education program.

e. A student who meets all other qualifications may be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for a maximum of eight consecutive semesters upon entering the ninth grade for the first time. However, a student who engages in athletics during the summer following eighth grade is also eligible to compete during the summer following twelfth grade. Extenuating circumstances, such as health, may be the basis for an appeal to the executive board which may extend the eligibility of a student when the executive board finds that the interests of the student and interscholastic athletics will be benefited.

f. All member schools shall provide appropriate interventions and necessary academic supports for students who fail or who are at risk to fail, and shall report to the department regarding those interventions on the comprehensive school improvement plan.

g. A student is academically eligible upon entering the ninth grade. No student shall be eligible to participate in any given interscholastic athletic sport if the student has engaged in that sport professionally.

h. No student who has been a member of a college squad or who has trained with a college squad or participated in a college contest shall be eligible for any athletic contest.

i. A student who is eligible at the close of a semester is academically eligible until the beginning of the subsequent semester.

j. The local superintendent of schools, with the approval of the local board of education, may give permission to a dropout student to participate in athletics upon return to school if the student is otherwise eligible under these rules.

Good Conduct Rule

To retain eligibility for participation in Spirit Lake High School extra-curricular and co- curricular activities, students at all levels of participation, in grades five (5) through twelve (12), must conduct themselves as good citizens both in and out of school at all times. Students who represent the school in an activity are expected to serve as good role models to other students and to the members of the community.

The Board, the administration and other employees of the District have no control or responsibility for any student when the student is in the custody and control of the student’s parent, guardian or other non-school related agency, except as outlined below.

Some conduct, although it may occur after school hours and/or off school premises, is so severe that it may cause a student to lose eligibility for participation in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. A student may lose eligibility under the Good Conduct Rule for any of the following behaviors (this list is not exhaustive):

* possession, use, or purchase of tobacco products, regardless of the student's age;

* possession, use, or purchase of alcoholic beverages, or any substance containing alcohol

* possession, use, or purchase of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia or the unauthorized possession, use, or purchase of otherwise lawful (prescription) drugs;

* joint possession of drugs and/or alcohol;

* engaging in any act that would be grounds for arrest or citation in the criminal or juvenil court system, excluding minor traffic offenses, regardless of whether the student is cited, arrested, convicted, or adjudicated for the act(s), including joint possession of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances

* inappropriate or offensive conduct at school or school events such as fighting, insubordination (talking back or refusing to cooperate with authorities), hazing or harassment

* failing to follow reasonable training and conduct rules that are established by the sponsors and coaches of the activity in which the student is participating and have been approved by the principal and/or athletic director.

If a student transfers to Spirit Lake High School from another school or school district and the student has not yet completed a period of ineligibility for a violation of a Good Conduct Rule in the previous school or school district, the student shall be ineligible at SLHS until the full period of ineligibility has been completed. Once that time period of ineligibility has been completed, the student is then immediately eligible at Spirit Lake High School as far as the Good Conduct Rule is concerned. Any violation of the policies of the Spirit Lake Community School will be separate from violations at prior school districts.

Additional Information on “Joint Possession”

Joint possession is defined as “A student who is in a car or in attendance at a function or party where alcohol or other drugs are being consumed illegally by minors and who has "knowledge" of the alcohol or other drugs but "fails to leave," despite having ample opportunity to do so, is in "joint possession." The student knows there is alcohol and/or illegal drug use at the function and may not be participating in the illegal activity, but he/she has chosen to stay. This student could be charged by law enforcement and is in violation of the Good Conduct Rule.”

Joint possession is included as an offense under the Good Conduct Policy for the following reasons:

* Even in moderate amounts, alcohol and drugs have an unhealthy impact on growing bodies.

* This country and this community have a serious problem with drug and alcohol use by teenagers and even younger children.

* Federal and state laws require schools to educate students about drug and alcohol use and abuse. Many laws have been passed and grant money has been made available to impress upon students the message against any type of chemical involvement.

* The message sent, when a student attends a party where drugs and alcohol are being used by minors, even if the student doesn't participate him/herself, is one of approval. This is true for the so-called responsible activity of declaring a "designated driver" who will abstain from use while his/her peers engage in illegal consumption of the chemicals.

If a student finds him/herself in a situation where alcohol or other drugs are being consumed illegally by minors, the student's options are:

1. Leave immediately. An "intention" to leave is not a defense. Nor is being the "designated driver."

2. Stay and risk loss of eligibility for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.

These actions could result in the following possible scenarios:

1. If a student without transportation calls home or calls someone else for a ride and waits outside the party and off the property, that will be interpreted as "leaving."

2. A student who accepts a ride from an adult who has groceries in the car, including beer, is not in violation.

3. A student would have to be drinking or using drugs or in attendance at a social function or party where alcohol or other drugs are being consumed illegally by minors to be in violation.

4. A minor who drinks wine at the family Christmas dinner or takes a drink of champagne at a wedding, assuming the student's parent/guardian is also present, is not in violation, because parents can legally provide alcohol to their minor children.

Penalties for Violation of Good Conduct Policy:

When the administration believes it is more likely than not that the student violated the Good Conduct Rule, during the school year or summer, the student is subject to a loss of eligibility as follows:

First Offense within the student's high school career: 1 event suspension

Second Offense within the student's high school career: 3 event suspension

Third or Subsequent Offense within the student's high school career: 10 event suspension

Students who go 14 months without a subsequent good conduct policy will have their initial good conduct offense(s) erased from their good conduct record.  This reset can only be used one time during the student's high school career.  An event cancelled due to inclement weather will not count as an event missed for the good conduct policy.

The period of ineligibility from extra-curricular and co-curricular activities begins immediately upon a finding of a violation, and events must be missed in the order in which they occur, without student selection, unless the student is already under violation, in which case the second violation starts after the first one is completed. An ineligible student shall attend all practices or rehearsals, but may not "suit up" nor perform/participate.

If a student drops out of an activity prior to completion of the period of ineligibility, the penalty or remainder of the penalty will attach when the student next seeks to go out for another activity, subject to a 12-month limitation above. When a student under suspension for a violation seeks to join a new extra-curricular activity without completing the previous activity, the coach of the new activity will have discretion whether to allow the student to participate, the decision subject to review by the Activities Director.

If the offense results in an out-of-school (O.S.S.) suspension, including, but not limited to, threatening another student or staff member; vandalism to, theft of, or unauthorized possession of the property of any school; or harassment of others. Any events during the O.S.S. would count towards the Good Conduct Rule penalties.

Academic Consequences for Violation of Good Conduct Policy

Unless the student violated the Good Conduct Rule while on school grounds or at a school event or activity off school grounds, there will be no academic consequences (e.g., detention, suspension from school) for the violation.

National Honor Society has its own separate policies with regard to good conduct.


Any student who is found by the administration to have violated the Good Conduct Rule may appeal this determination to the superintendent by contacting the superintendent within three days of being advised of the violation. The penalty will be in effect pending the superintendent's decision.

If the student is still dissatisfied, he or she may appeal to the school board by filing a written appeal with the board secretary at least 24 hours prior to the next board meeting. The review by the board will be in closed session unless the student's parent (or the student, if the student is 18) requests an open session. The grounds for appeal to the school board are limited to the following: the student did not violate the Good Conduct Rule; the student was given inadequate due process in the investigation and determination; or the penalty is in violation of the Handbook Rule or Board Policy. The penalty will remain in effect pending the outcome of the meeting with the board.

If the school board reverses the decision of the administration, the student shall be immediately eligible and shall have any record of the ineligibility period and violation deleted from the student's record.


Approved: 11/15/67                                  Reviewed:   6/10/19                                        Revised: 6/11/12; 5/13/13, 7/11/18

504.4 Student Insurance, General

An all-pupil insurance program may be offered to the parents of pupils in the District. The Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent shall select an insurance company to issue such policies for all schools in the District.

The purchase of pupil insurance shall be voluntary with the entire cost being paid by the student or the student’s parents.


Approved: 11/14/67                               Reviewed: 7/14/08; 6/10/19                                                Revised: 3/10/03; 5/13/13

504.6 Student Physical Examinations for Athletics

The District seeks to provide all students who desire to participate in athletic events the safest conditions of participation. Every student seeking to participate in athletics will therefore be required to submit to a physical examination by a licensed physician. Such physical examinations shall be at the expense of the student. The examination shall be based on sound medical practices.

The parents/guardians of students who seek to participate in athletics shall be required to complete an information form that provides school officials with additional information on prospective athletes before athletic participation is approved by the school.

Should the above-referenced information form reveal that a student has any physical condition that places the student's health in jeopardy; the student will be required to have a second examination, if possible by the same doctor, to determine if the reported condition(s) still exist. When the final medical approval is granted and attested to by a physician's signature, the student may be cleared for participation.

Should the physician's report reveal any medical problem experienced by the prospective athlete that might be determined as life or health threatening, participation will be denied. Any athlete, who has sustained an injury, or a health problem requiring a physician's care, must receive a medical release from a licensed physician before the student may return to athletic participation.

The Board directs the Superintendent to ensure that all District patrons, employees, directors, physicians, and students be made familiar with this policy through proper induction, information, and orientation programs.


Approved: 11/12/90

Reviewed: 7/14/08

Revised: 5/13/13; 6/10/19



504.7 Student Government

The student council (Student Advisory Council - SAC) provides for student activities, serves as a training experience for student leaders, promotes the common good, gives students a share in the management of the school, develops high ideals of personal conduct, acts as a clearinghouse for student activities, seeks to interest students in school district affairs and helps solve problems that may arise. Members of the council are student representatives who have direct access to the administration.

The principal, in conjunction with the students and licensed employees, will set forth the guidelines for the student government's elections, operations, and other elements of the government.


Approved: 11/14/67                      Reviewed: 5/13/13; 6/10/19                          Revised: 12/14/09

504.8 Student Publications

Students may produce official school publications as part of the curriculum under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the principal. Official school publications include material produced in the journalism, newspaper, yearbook, or writing classes and distributed to the student body either free or for a fee.

Any expression made by students, including student expression in official school publications, is not an expression of official school policy. The District, the Board, and the employees or officials are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students unless the employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student speech or expression. The liability, if any, is only to the extent of the interference or alteration of the speech or expression.

Official school publications are free from prior restraint by employees or officials except as provided by law. A faculty advisor will supervise student writers to maintain professional standards of English and journalism and to comply with the law including, but not limited to, the restrictions against unlawful speech. The production of official school publications is guided by the law and by the ethical standards adopted by professional associations or societies of journalism.

Persons, other than students who believe they have been aggrieved by student expression in a student-produced official school publication, will follow the grievance procedure outlined elsewhere in the Board’s policies.. Students who believe their freedom of expression in a student-produced official school publication has been restricted will follow the student grievance procedures set forth in this series of policies.

The Superintendent shall be responsible for developing regulations, which shall include, but not be limited to, reasonable rules including time, place, and manner of restrictions. The Superintendent will be responsible for distributing this policy and the student publications code to the students and their parents.


Approved: 11/14/67

Reviewed: 6/10/19

Revised: 12/14/09; 5/13/13

504.8R1 Student Publications Regulations

Official school publications defined.

An "official school publication" is material produced by students in the journalism, newspaper, yearbook, or writing classes and distributed to students either free or for a fee.

Expression in an official school publication.

  1. No student will express, publish or distribute in an official school publication
  2. material which is:
    1. Obscene;
    2. Libelous;
    3. Slanderous; or
    4. Encourages students to:                      

*Commit unlawful acts;

*Violate school rules;

*Cause the material and substantial disruption of the orderly and efficient operation of the school or school activity;

*Disrupt or interfere with the education program;

*Interrupt the maintenance of a disciplined atmosphere; or

*Infringe on the rights of others.

3.The official school publication is produced under the supervision of a faculty advisor.

Responsibilities of students.

  1. Students writing or editing official school publications will assign and edit the news, editorial and feature contents of the official school publications subject to the limitations of the student publications code and the law.
  2. Students will strive to achieve professional standards of accuracy, fairness, objectivity, and thoroughness in each and every aspect of official school publications.
  3. Students will strive to achieve professional standards of grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling for clarity and accuracy of official school publications.

Responsibilities of faculty advisors.

  1. Faculty advisors will supervise student writers to maintain professional standards of English and journalism and to comply with the law including, but not limited to restrictions against unlawful speech.


  1. Student expression in an official school publication will not be deemed to be an expression of the District. The District, the Board, and the employees or officials are not liable in any civil or criminal action for any student expression made or published by students unless the employees or officials have interfered with or altered the content of the student expression. The liability, if any, is only to the extent of interference or alteration of the speech or expression.

Appeal procedure.

  1. Students who believe they have been unreasonably restricted in their exercise of expression in an official student publication will seek review of the decision through the student grievance procedure, set forth in this series of policies.
  2. Persons who believe they have been aggrieved by a student-produced official student publication will file their complaint through the citizen grievance procedure outlined elsewhere in the Board’s policies.
  3. Time, place and manner of restrictions on official school publications.
    • Official student publications may be distributed in a reasonable manner on or off school premises.
    • Distribution in a reasonable manner will not violate any provision of this Student Publications Code


Approved: 5/13/13                                     Reviewed:  6/10/19                                          Revised:

504.9 Student Social Events

All school-sponsored events shall be under the control and supervision of school personnel. Approval for an event shall be secured from the principal of the building involved, and the event shall be placed on the school calendar before any public announcement is made. Hours, behavior, and activities related to school-sponsored events shall be reasonable and proper as determined by the administration.

School-sponsored social events are open to the students enrolled in the District. Others, such as alumni or nonschool students, may attend as the date or escort of students enrolled in the District or with the permission of the licensed employees supervising the event.

Students’ behavior shall be in keeping with the behavior required during regular school hours.


Approved: 11/14/67

Reviewed:  6/10/19

Revised: 12/14/09; 5/13/13