202 Authority of Board of Directors and Board Members

202 Board Positions

The Board of Directors of Spirit Lake Community School District, acting on behalf of the school district, shall have jurisdiction over school matters within the territory of the school district.

The Board is empowered to make policy for its own governance, for employees, for students and for school district facilities.  The Board is also empowered to enforce its policies.  The Board may, through its quasi-judicial power, conduct hearings and rule on issues and disputes confronting the school district.

The Board has these powers and all other powers and any broad and implied powers not inconsistent with the laws of the general assembly, or inconsistent with Administrative Rules, related to the operation, control and supervision of public schools in the district. 

Because all powers of the Board are granted in terms of action as a group, individual Board members exercise authority over district affairs only as they vote to take action at a legal meeting of the Board.  In other instances, an individual Board member, including the president, will have power only when the Board, by vote, has delegated authority.  The Board will make its members, the district staff, and the public aware that only the Board acting as a whole has authority to take official action.  Therefore, the Board may transact business only with a quorum present during a regular or special meeting. 

Pursuant to the state statutes and local board policy, any Board member shall not seek individually to influence the official functions of the District.  The Board and its members will deal with administrative services through the superintendent and will not give orders to any subordinates of the superintendent either publicly or privately, but may make suggestions and recommendations.





Approved: 9/9/19 





202.1 President

It is the responsibility of the Board president to lead a well-organized Board in an efficient and effective manner. The Board president will set the tone of the Board meetings and, as the representative of the consensus of the board, speak on behalf of the Board to the public.

The president of the Board is elected by a majority vote at the organizational meeting in odd- numbered years or at the annual meeting in even-numbered years to serve a one-year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as president.

The president, in addition to presiding at the Board meetings, will take an active role in Board decisions by discussing and voting on each motion before the Board in the same manner as other Board members. However, before making or seconding a motion, the Board president will turn over control of the meeting to either the vice-president or other Board member.

The Board president has the authority to call special meetings of the Board. Prior to Board meetings, the Board president will consult with the superintendent on the development of the agenda for the meeting.

The Board president, as the chief officer of the District, will sign employment contracts and sign other contracts and school district warrants approved by the Board. The board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to sign contracts for teachers and support staff, including bus drivers, custodians, education associates, and clerical and food service employees. The Board president will appear on behalf of the school corporation in causes of action involving the District, unless the Board president must appear individually as a party, in which case, this duty shall be performed by the secretary.


Approved: 11/14/67

Reviewed: 1/14/19

Revised: 8/9/10, 2/11/13, 12/9/19

202.2 Vice-President

The vice-president shall serve in the absence of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the president or by the Board. The vice-president will be elected by a majority vote at the September regular meeting each year to serve a one–year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as vice-president.

The vice-president of the Board is elected by a majority vote at the organizational meeting in odd- numbered years or at the annual meeting in even-numbered years to serve a one-year term of office. A member may be elected to successive one-year terms as president.

The vice-president will take an active role in board decisions by discussing and voting on matters before the board in the same manner as other board members. The vice-president will accept control of the meeting from the president when the president wishes to make or second a motion.

If the Board president is unable or unwilling to carry out the duties required, it is the responsibility of the vice-president of the Board to carry out those duties. If the president is unable or unwilling to complete the term of office, the vice-president will serve as president for the balance of the president’s term of office, and a new vice-president will be elected.


Approved: 2/12/07


Revised: 8/9/10; 2/11/13; 1/14/19

202.3 Secretary

A Board secretary may be appointed from employees, other than a position requiring a teaching certificate, or from the public. To finalize the appointment, the Board secretary will take the oath of office during the meeting at which the individual was appointed or no later than ten (10) days thereafter.

It is the responsibility of the Board secretary, as custodian of the District’s records, to preserve and maintain the records and documents pertaining to the business of the Board; to keep complete minutes of special and regular Board meetings, including closed sessions; to keep a record of the results of regular and special elections; to sign warrants drawn on the school funds after Board approval; and collect data on truant students. The Board secretary will also be responsible for filing the required reports with the Iowa Department of Education.

In the event the Board secretary is unable to fulfill the responsibilities set out by the Board and the law, the superintendent will assume those duties until the Board secretary is able to resume the responsibility or a new Board secretary is appointed.

The Board provides a blanket bond for all employees including the board secretary.


Approved: 4/12/77


Revised: 2/22/10; 2/11/13; 1/14/19

202.4 Treasurer

It is the responsibility of the Board to appoint a treasurer. A Board treasurer may be appointed from employees, other than a position requiring a teaching certificate, or from the public. To finalize the appointment, the Board treasurer will take the oath of office during the meeting at which the individual was appointed or no later than ten days thereafter.

The primary responsibility of the treasurer, as an appointed school officer, is to administer and maintain compliance with statutory duties as outlined throughout the Iowa Code pertaining to schools. It will also be the responsibility of the treasurer to coordinate the financial records, the financial reports, the cash flow needs and the investment portfolio of the District.

If the treasurer is unable or unwilling to carry out the duties required, it is the responsibility of the Superintendent to carry out the duties of the treasurer.

The board provides a blanket bond for all employees including the Board treasurer.



Approved: 4/12/77


Revised: 2/15/10; 2/11/13; 1/14/19

202.5 Board Committees

The Board may determine from time to time that Board committees may be required to assist the Board in its discharge of duties. In addition to any legally required committees, the Board may appoint standing committees with specific charges.

If the Board creates or appoints a committee, the Board and the committee will strive to follow all applicable federal and state laws. The Board and the committee will strive to follow state open meetings and public records requirements. The Board and the committee will also strive to follow state and federal requirements regarding gender balance on committees.

In no case shall a committee constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Reports of Board committees shall be circulated in advance through the Superintendent's office, except in an emergency or as directed by the Board or President of the Board.


Approved: 2/11/13

Reviewed: 1/14/19


202.6 Advisory Committees to the Board

The Board will rely on various advisory committees to counsel it as one way to learn about the needs and desires of the District and its residents. The central purpose of all advisory committees is to contribute to the educational program by conducting studies, identifying problems, and developing recommendations that will help the Board in the decision making process. The ultimate authority to make decisions will continue to rest with the Board.

The Board may form citizens’ advisory committees at such times and for such specific purposes as the Board deems necessary. They will function until their assigned goal has been accomplished, or until the Board dissolves the committee. Generally, citizens' advisory committees will be assigned to investigate areas of the educational program that need development, change, or reorganization, and areas of community involvement in district affairs.

Members will be broadly representative of the community's population and will be chosen from among residents who have shown an interest in the topic to be studied, or who have a particular expertise relating to the topic.

Once activated, the committee will report periodically to the Board, keeping it informed of progress and problems. The Board may designate the intervals at which it will hear from the committee, but any significant developments will be reported as they occur. No announcement may be made by any committee or its members to the public or press until such release has been cleared with the Board.

The Board will provide citizens' advisory committees with a suitable meeting place and other required facilities until the Board dissolves the committees.


Approved: 11/14/67

Reviewed: 2/11/13; 1/14/19

Revised: 9/17/12