100 Legal Status of the School District

This school district is organized as a school corporation pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Iowa and Iowa law, and known as the Spirit Lake Community School District (the “District”). The District is located in Dickinson County, Iowa. The District’s affairs are conducted by elected school officials, the Spirit Lake Community School District Board of Directors (the “Board”). The District and the Board have exclusive jurisdiction over school matters in the territory of the District.


Approved 11/10/2008

Reviewed 11/12/18

 Revised 1/7/2013

101 Goals and Objectives of the School District

The District and the Board are dedicated to promoting an equal opportunity for a quality public education to its students, within the limitations of the school district’s ability, in order to provide for students, in cooperation with the families and the school district community, the opportunity to develop a healthy social, intellectual, emotional and physical self-concept in a learning environment that provides guidance and encourages each student to develop his/her full potential and become a productive citizen.

The Board endeavors, through the dedication of the District's resources, to encourage students, who come to the District from a variety of backgrounds, to look forward to the time when they will have jobs, homes, families, places in the District community, and attain recognition as individuals. In order to achieve this goal, the Board will seek qualified employees dedicated to development of their professional skills who are open to creative, innvative ideas for the betterment of the education program.

Instruction and curriculum are the key elements of a public education. Critical thinking and problem solving skills that will assist the students' preparation for life are instructed as part of a sequentially coordinated curriculum. The District strives to prepare students for employment, to discover and nurture creative talent and to prepare them to meet and cope with social change in an atmosphere conducive to learning.

The support and involvement of the home and the District community are essential to achieve educational excellence in the District. The District strives to maintain an active relationship with the home and the District community to create within the students an awareness of dignity and worth of the individual, civic responsibility and respect for authority.


Approved 5/17/2004

Reviewed 11/12/18

Revised 1/7/2013; 11/12/18

102 Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy and Equal Educational Policy

The District and the Board will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, marital status (for employment), religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity or socioeconomic status in its educational programs and its employment practices, in accordance with all state and federal laws, rules and regulations.

This nondiscrimination policy extends to educational programs, student activities and athletics, student behaviors, District staff members, the public, District employment practices, and all aspects under the jurisdiction of the Spirit Lake Community School District.

Further, the District and the Board affirm the right of all students and staff to be treated with respect and to be protected from intimidation, discrimination, physical harm and harassment. The Board prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, or any other victimization, of students, based on any of the following actual or perceived traits or characteristics, including but not limited to, age, actual or perceived; color; creed; national origin; race; religion; marital status; sex; sexual orientation; gender identity; physical attributes; physical or mental ability or disability; ancestry; political party preference; political belief; socioeconomic status; or familial status. The Board prohibits harassment against employees based upon race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, religion, creed, sexual orientation or gender identity.

The District and the Board will require all persons, agencies, vendors, contractors and other persons and organizations doing business with or performing services for the District to subscribe to all applicable federal and state laws, executive orders, rules and regulations pertaining to contract compliance and equal opportunity.

Inquiries or grievances related to this policy may be directed to the District Director of Business and Finance at the District Administrative Office, Jane Loveall 2701 Hill Avenue, Spirit Lake, IA 51360, 712-336-2820, jloveall@spiritlakecsd.org; to the Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, 400 East 14th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-1004, 1-800-457-4416; to the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office, United States Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski  Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL, 60604, telephone: (312) 730-1560, Fax: (312) 730-1576, Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov; or to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chicago Office, 500 W. Madison Street, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60661, 1-800-669-4000. Inquiries may also be directed to the Director, Iowa Department of Education, Grimes State Office Building, 400 E 14th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0146.


Approved 11/14/2008                  

Reviewed 11/12/18                                  

Revised 1/9/2013; 8/8/2016; 8/12/19; 10/9/23                    


102.E1 Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination

The District offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study:

● Agricultural, Food, and Natural Resources

● Applied sciences, technology, engineering, and manufacturing, including transportation, distribution, logistics, architecture, and construction.

● Human Services, including law, public safety, corrections, security, government, public administration, and education and training.

● Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management.

The Board and the District will not discriminate in educational programs on the basis of: age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, socioeconomic status or marital status.

The Board and the District will not discriminate in employment opportunities on the basis of age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, socioeconomic status or marital statis.

There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. Any person having inquiries concerning the District's compliance with federal and/or state non-discrimination law is directed to contact:


Jane Loveall


Co-Director of Business and Finance


District Office

Telephone Number

712-336-2820 Ext 3010




This individual has been designated by the District to coordinate the District's efforts to comply with federal and/or state non-discrimination laws.



Reviewed 11/12/18

Revised 1/9/2013; 8/8/2016; 8/12/19; 10/9/23


102.E2 Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination

Students, parents, employees, and others doing business with or performing services for the District are hereby notified that this District does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status, disability, age, religion, or creed in admission or access to, or treatment in, its hiring and employment practices.

Students, parents, employees and others doing business with or performing services for the District are hereby notified that this District does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, socioeconomic status, disability, age, religion, or creed in admission or access to, or treatment in, its programs and activities.

Any person having inquiries concerning the District's compliance with federal and/or state non- discrimination law is directed to contact:


Jane Loveall


Director of Business and Finance


District Office

Telephone Number

712-336-2820 Ext 3010




This individual has been designated by the District to coordinate the District's efforts to comply with federal and/or state non-discrimination laws.



Reviewed 11/12/18

Revised                              1/9/2013; 8/8/2016; 8/12/19; 10/9/23

103 Grievance Procedure

Students, parents of students, employees, and applicants for employment in the District have the right to file a formal complaint alleging discrimination under federal and/or state laws, rules and regulations requiring non-discrimination in programs and employment.

Level One - Principal, Immediate Supervisor or

Personnel Contact Person

 (Informal and Optional - may be bypassed by the grievant)

Employees with a complaint of discrimination based upon their gender, sex, race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or genetic information are encouraged to first discuss it with their immediate supervisor, with the objective of resolving the matter informally.

An applicant for employment with a complaint of discrimination based upon their gender, sex, race, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability are encouraged to first discuss it with the personnel contact person. This paragraph is for employees and “marital status” isn’t a protected class for employees.

A student, or a parent of a student, with a complaint of discrimination based upon their gender, sex, race, color, national origin, creed, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability are encouraged to discuss it with the instructor, counselor, supervisor, building administrator, program administrator or personnel contact person directly involved.

Level Two - Compliance Officer

If the grievance is not resolved at Level One and the grievant wishes to pursue the grievance, the grievant may formalize it by filing a complaint in writing on a Grievance Filing Form, which may be obtained from the Compliance Officer. The complaint will state the nature of the grievance and the remedy requested. The filing of the formal, written complaint at Level Two must be within fifteen (15)_ working days from the date of the event giving rise to the grievance, or from the date the grievant could reasonably become aware of such occurrence. The grievant may request that a meeting concerning the complaint be held with the Compliance Officer. A minor student may be accompanied at that meeting by a parent or guardian. The Compliance Officer will investigate the complaint and attempt to resolve it. A written report from the Compliance Officer regarding action taken will be sent to the involved parties within a reasonable time after receipt of the complaint.

Level Three - Superintendent/Administrator

If the complaint is not resolved at Level Two, the grievant may appeal it to Level Three by presenting a written appeal to the superintendent within five (5) working days after the grievant receives the report from the Compliance Officer, the grievant may request a meeting with the superintendent. The superintendent may request a meeting with the grievant to discuss the appeal. A decision will be rendered by the superintendent within a reasonable time after the receipt of the written appeal. If, in cases of disability grievances at the elementary and secondary level, the issue is not resolved through the grievance process, the parents have a right to an impartial hearing to resolve the issue.

This procedure in no way denies the right of the grievant to file formal complaints with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or Office of Special Education Programs, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Iowa Department of Education for mediation or rectification of civil rights grievances, or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination.

Level Four - Appeal to Board

If the grievant is not satisfied with the superintendent's decision, the grievant can file an appeal with the board within five (5) working days of the decision. It is within the discretion of the board to determine whether it will hear the appeal.

The Compliance Officer is:



Ashley Weber – Co-Director of Business & Finance

Office Address

District Office

2701 Hill Avenue, Spirit Lake IA 51360


Phone Number

712-336-2820 ext. 3060

Office Hours




Reviewed 11/12/18

Revised 1/7/2013; 8/8/2016; 8/12/19

103.E1 Grievance Form for Complaints of Discrimination or Non-Compliance with Federal or State Regulations Requiring Non-Discrimination


I, _____________________________________ , am filing this grievance because

(Attach additional sheets if necessary)







Describe incident or occurrence as accurately as possible:

(Attach additional sheets if necessary)









Signature ______________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________

Phone Number ______________________________________________


If student, Grade Level ______________________________________________

If student, Attendance Center _____________________________________________



Reviewed 11/12/18



103.E2 Grievance Documentation

Name of Individual Alleging Discrimination or Non-Compliance:


Name _______________________________________________________________________

Signature ____________________________________________________________________

Date of Grievance _____________________________________________________________

State the nature of the complaint and the remedy requested.





Indicate Principal's or Supervisor's response or action to above complaint.






Signature of Principal or Supervisor





Reviewed 11/12/18







104 Participation in Decision Making

The District and the Board endorse the concept that participation in the affairs of the schools by the students and the community is essential if the school system, the students, and the community are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for students.

The District and the Board wish to maintain open, free communications between the students of the District and the various levels of staff, the administration, and the Board itself. Such communications will usually go through established channels of student government; however, all students have the right to bring individual concerns and suggestions to the attention of teachers, administrators, and the Board. In addition, students have the right, as do all citizens of the District, to attend open Board meetings and address the Board in accordance with the Board's policy on public participation at Board meetings.

Citizens will be encouraged to express ideas, concerns, and judgments about the schools to the school administration, the staff, any appointed advisory bodies, and the Board via established channels. Consideration shall be given to the advice that community groups and individuals may give to the Board and the staff, especially to the advice that comes from individuals and groups invited to offer advice on specific issues, but in making decisions, the administration and the Board shall use their own best judgment.


Approved 1/7/2013

Reviewed 11/12/18
