Date of Request: _______________ Date Bus Needed: _______________
Bus Request: _________________________ Time Needed: __________________
Group Requesting: ___________________________________________
The use of the buses of the District shall be in accordance with the following rules and regulations:
- Use of the buses fees shall be assessed based upon the actual state transportation report cost per mile.
- Driver fees shall be assessed based upon staff employees necessary and available, and at the actual driver contract cost per hour.
- Requests must be made a minimum of one week in advance. If the request interferes or conflicts with school district use of the vehicle, the request will be denied. The final decision of whether a request will be granted is within the discretion of the administration.
- Requests must be made by recognized youth organizations and/or groups or organizations sponsoring projects in the interest of the local community, state or national benefit or welfare.
- The rental period will be negotiated directly with the administration.
- Adult chaperones may be required to accompany the bus driver and riders.
- All requests will be charged bus and driver fees.
- Alcoholic beverages and tobacco/nicotine products are prohibited on District vehicles.
- Whenever damage caused by vandalism or carelessness results, the group shall reimburse the school district for cost of repairs and may be denied further use of District vehicles. Requests must be made a minimum of one week in advance.
- The person signing this agreement shall be financially responsible for all costs accrued.
(_____ Total Miles Traveled X _____ Cost per Mile) + (_____ Total Hours Traveled X _____ Hourly Cost of Driver) = _____ Total Bus Charge
_________________________ ___________________________
Superintendent or Designee Group Representative
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Approved: 10/16/72
Approved: 10/16/72; 2/11/19
Revised: 9/17/07; 6/10/13; 12/9/19