303 Administrator Ethics

303.1 Administrator Code of Ethics

Administrators, as part of the educational leadership in the school district community, represent the views of the District. Their actions, verbal and nonverbal, reflect the attitude and the beliefs of the District. Therefore, administrators will conduct themselves professionally and in a manner fitting to their position.

Each administrator will follow the code of ethics stated in this policy. Failure to act in accordance with this code of ethics or in a professional manner, in the judgment of the Board, will be grounds for discipline up to, and including, termination.

The professional school administrator:

  • Upholds the honor and dignity of the profession in actions and relations with students, colleagues, Board members and the public;
  • Obeys local, state and national laws; holds to high ethical and moral standards; and gives loyalty to this country and to the cause of democracy and liberty;
  • Accepts the responsibility to master and contribute to the growing body of specialized knowledge, concepts, and skills which characterize school administration as a profession;
  • Strives to provide the finest possible educational experiences and opportunities to the members of the school district community;
  • Seeks to preserve and enhance the prestige and status of the profession when applying for a position or entering into contractual agreements;
  • Carries out in good faith the policies duly adopted by the local Board and the regulations of state authorities and renders professional service;
  • Disallows consideration of private gain or personal economic interest to affect the discharge of professional responsibilities;
  • Recognizes public schools are the public's business and seeks to keep the public informed about their schools; and,
  • Supports and practices the management team concept.
  • Makes the education and well-being of students the fundamental value of all decision making.
  • Fulfills all professional duties with honesty and integrity and always acts in a trustworthy and responsible manner.
  • Accepts responsibility and accountability for one’s own actions and behaviors.


Approved: 11/12/07

Reviewed: 2/11/19

Revised: 7/11/11; 3/11/13

303.2 Administrator Use of Cell Phone

The Board of Education recognizes that certain District employees will be required to carry cell phones in the course of their job duties and/or responsibilities. A list of job titles requiring District-owned cell phones shall be maintained in the business office.

The Superintendent shall establish the level of service contract for each specific employee. The District recognizes that certain employees need to be accessible during and outside of normal work hours on a regular basis. Therefore, these employees will be allowed to use the phone for personal use. The District will collect $25.00 from each identified District cell phone user employee for personal usage on a monthly basis

Employees shall use District owned cell phones in a manner that complies with all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. Improper use of a District owned cell phone, in the judgment of the Board, will be grounds for discipline up to, and including, termination

As with any District owned equipment, employees must take proper care of cell phones and take all reasonable precautions against damage, loss, or theft. Any damage, loss, or theft must be immediately reported to the business office. If an employee loses or damages beyond reasonable repair due to employee negligence a cellular telephone, the employee must reimburse the District for the cost of the replacement.


Approved: 11/12/07


Revised: 7/11/11; 3/11/13; 2/11/19