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901.4 Educational Specifications for Buildings & Sites

The Board and/or superintendent may appoint a committee of consultants, employees, citizens, or others to assist the Board in developing the educational specifications that will be used by the architect in planning District buildings. Educational specifications will be formulated in such a way that they will encourage the teaching and learning that will take place in the building that is planned.

These specifications will be consistent with the education program, and they will provide the architect with the information necessary to determine what is expected from the facility. The educational specifications should provide the architect with an inventory of program requirements, a statement of functional program relationships, a definition of the number and character of classrooms, a description of needed specialized instructional facilities, the educational requirements for such areas as library, outside activity sites, gymnasium, cafeteria, auditorium, administrative suite, teacher and student service facilities, and public service or community service facilities, as well as any other pertinent information that will help the architect visualize what is expected of the proposed new building, building additions, and renovation.

It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to make a recommendation to the board regarding the educational specifications of buildings and sites.


Approved: 11/14/67


Revised: 4/11/11; 7/8/13; 8/12/19