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506.5R3 Epinephrine Auto-Injector Medication Regulations

The Board will allow students identified to be at risk for an anaphylactic reaction who have received a prescription for said medication to carry epinephrine in the form of the autoinjector at school. A spare autoinjector should be provided for the Health Room in case the student loses, or forgets his/her personal Epinephrine auto-injector.

The Board will allow students to self-administer said medication if the administration of epinephrine becomes necessary as described in the anaphylaxis protocol. Once a student has been identified as having a severe reaction to an allergen, 911 will be called, and your child may be transported to the hospital for continued medical support.

In order for a student to carry and self-administer said medication, the following conditions shall be met:

- Student shall demonstrate to the school nurse his/her knowledge and understanding of anaphylaxis and correct usage of the Epinephrine auto-injector.

- Student shall have written permission from the prescribing physician stating the child has been instructed in, and demonstrates understanding of:

•the events surrounding the need for epinephrine

•the signs and symptoms of allergic reaction

•agrees never to share the Epinephrine auto-injector with another student

•agrees to obtain assistance from the school nurse or another adult immediately by sending for help

•signs the schools agreement form.




Reviewed: 6/10/19

Revised: 5/13/13;8/13/18;7/13/20