- 502.1 Student Code of Conduct
- 502.11 Search and Seizure
- 502.11E1 Search and Seizure Checklist
- 502.11R1 Search and Seizure Regulation
- 502.12 Student Lockers
- 502.13 Questioning of Students
- 502.13R1 Questioning of Students Regulations
- 502.14 Student Complaints and Grievances
- 502.2 Student Suspension
- 502.3 Student Expulsion
- 502.4 Possession and/or Use of Illegal and/or Controlled Substance
- 502.5 Possession and/or Use of Weapons
- 502.6 Student Conduct on School Transportation
- 502.7 Student Appearance
- 502.8 Student Freedom of Expression
- 502.9 Student Use of Motor Vehicles