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1004.1 Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites

The Board welcomes the interest of parents and other members of the District community and invites them to visit school buildings and sites. Visitors, which include persons other than employees or students, must notify the building principal and/or the superintendent of their presence in the facility upon arrival.

Persons who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session must notify the classroom teacher and/or principal and obtain approval from the principal and/or class room teacher prior to the visit so appropriate arrangements can be made and so class disruption can be minimized. If a person notifies the classroom teacher prior to a visit, the classroom teacher shall obtain approval from the principal.

Children who wish to visit school must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Teachers and other employees shall take time from their duties to discuss matters with visitors, as their schedules allow.


Approved: 11/14/67

Reviewed: 4/8/19

Revised: 1/9/12; 7/8/13